Forum Submission Sites List 2023

In this digital age, the internet isn’t just a place to find information; it’s a vast landscape where people gather to discuss, share ideas, and connect.

One powerful corner of this online realm is the world of forums.

If you’re curious about what forum submission sites are and how they can boost your online presence, you’ve come to the right place.

What is a Forum?

Imagine a forum as a virtual meeting place. It’s a website where people talk about all sorts of topics – from cooking and tech to travel and health. These conversations happen in threads, which are like discussion branches, where people exchange thoughts by posting messages. It’s like having a chat with friends, but in writing, and on the internet.

What is Forum Posting in SEO?

Now, let’s add a twist: SEO. It stands for Search Engine Optimization – a way to make your website more visible on search engines like Google. Forum posting in SEO means jumping into these online conversations with a goal. You’re not just chatting; you’re sharing your expertise and occasionally mentioning your website. This helps search engines notice you and your website more.

List of Digital Marketing & SEO Forum Posting Sites

Sr. No.Digital Marketing Forum SitesDAPA

List of Developers & Web Design Forum Submission Sites

Sr. No.Developers Forum Submission SitesDAPA

List of Free Forum Submission Sites for Technology

Sr. No.Technology Forum Posting SitesDAPA

List of Travel Forum Posting Sites

Sr. No.Travel Forum Submission SitesDAPA

Best 10 Forum Submission Website List

Here’s a curated selection of some of the best forum submission websites across diverse categories. Each platform offers a unique space for interaction and knowledge sharing:

Quora | DA 93

Boasting over 705.8M million monthly active users, Quora stands as one of the largest Q&A platforms on the internet. It covers a wide spectrum of topics, making it an ideal platform for diverse discussions and knowledge sharing.

Reddit | DA 93

With an astounding 1.8B monthly active users, Reddit is a dynamic platform where users create and participate in discussions on an endless array of subreddits. It’s known as the “front page of the internet.”

Microsoft Documentation | DA 99

Microsoft’s official forums cater to the tech-savvy community with a staggering 106.6M monthly active users. These forums offer invaluable insights and solutions related to Microsoft’s products and services.

XDA Developers | DA 92

Focused on mobile enthusiasts and developers, XDA Developers gathers a dedicated community of over 22.3M members worldwide. It’s the go-to platform for Android customization and development discussions.

Discord | DA 93

Popular among gamers and beyond, Discord boasts over 390 million registered users. It offers servers for various communities, enabling real-time voice and text communication.

Stack Overflow | DA 92

A haven for programmers, Stack Overflow records an impressive 14 million registered users. The platform is renowned for its coding-related questions and expert-driven discussions.

Stack Exchange | DA 91

Covering a broad spectrum of topics, Stack Exchange attracts 80.2M monthly visitors across its various communities. It’s a hub for focused discussions and problem-solving.

Steam Community | DA 92

With 132 million registered users, Steam Community is the epicenter for gamers to connect, discuss games, share user-generated content, and interact with game developers.

Each of these platforms presents a unique opportunity to engage, learn, and contribute within their respective communities. As you venture into forum submission, consider leveraging these platforms to amplify your online presence.

Benefits of Forum Submission

Benefits of Forum Submission

1. Knowledge Expansion and Learning

Imagine you’re into gardening. By joining gardening forums, you can learn about new planting techniques, pest control tricks, and even exchange tips with fellow enthusiasts. It’s like a treasure trove of information.

2. Networking Opportunities

Forums connect you with people who share your interests. You can connect with experts, make friends, or even find potential business partners. The world gets smaller when you start chatting with like-minded people from different corners of the globe.

3. Establishing Authority

When you consistently provide helpful answers and insights, people start to see you as an expert. Imagine being the go-to person for advice on healthy cooking in a food forum. People will respect your knowledge.

4. Backlink Building for SEO

Here’s a technical perk. When you post on forums, you often get to include a link to your website in your signature or within your post. These links are like little highways that lead people from the forum to your site. Search engines also notice these links and consider them as a vote of confidence for your website.

5. Targeted Traffic Generation

Let’s say you have a website about photography. When you share your insights in photography forums, people who are genuinely interested in photography are more likely to visit your website. It’s like inviting the right guests to your party.

6. Problem-Solving and Support

Forums are often where people go when they’re stuck or need help. By offering solutions, you become a superhero of sorts, coming to the rescue with valuable advice.

7. Market Research and Insights

In forums, people talk about their problems, opinions, and needs. This is like a sneak peek into their minds. It’s a goldmine of information if you’re looking to improve your products or services.

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Some of the Key Factors Before Doing Forum Submission

Some of the Key Factors Before Doing Forum Submission

1. Choose Relevance Over Quantity

Not all forums are made equal. Pick ones that match your interests or expertise. If you’re into fashion, a gardening forum might not be the best fit.

2. Read the Rules and Guidelines

Imagine joining a club. You’d want to know their rules, right? Same goes for forums. Follow their guidelines to make sure you’re a welcomed member.

3. Be Genuine and Engaging

Nobody likes a robot-like answer. Be yourself. Engage in conversations naturally, just like you would at a party.

4. Avoid Over-Promotion

Remember, forums are about sharing, not selling. While you can mention your website, don’t turn every sentence into an advertisement.

5. Respect Community Etiquette

Play nice. Treat others with respect, even if you disagree. Just like in real life, a little politeness goes a long way.

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Best Practices for Forum Posting

  • Be Consistent: Drop by regularly to show you’re genuinely interested.
  • Read Before You Respond: Understand the discussion fully before replying.
  • Use Simple Language: No need for fancy words. Keep it clear and easy to understand.
  • Share Reliable Sources: If you’re giving advice, back it up with trustworthy sources.
  • Give Actionable Advice: Be the problem-solver. Provide solutions that people can actually use.


Forums are like hidden gems of the internet. They offer a chance to learn, connect, and share your expertise. Whether you’re an aspiring chef or a tech enthusiast, there’s a forum waiting for you.

Remember, while posting on forums can boost your website’s visibility, it’s about more than just links – it’s about building relationships and contributing to a community.

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